Noluthando • Takoma
"I got my dream job! The guidelines on your site about the cover letter helped me to get the attention I wanted. In addition, I re-read "What Color is Your Parachute" and that allowed me to focus on what is truly important to me. I love my work, my new boss, my co-workers, the location and everything else. And the salary negotiations also worked! I am spreading the word, Jobs-by-Fax is the answer! I got my first call from the president of the exact kind of organization I wanted to work for at 7:15am, less than 12 hours after I had signed on with jobsbyfax. He apologized if he was waking me up!!! He said his communications person has just resigned and he wanted to see me that day. He was as excited about seeing me as I was about seeing him! God bless you folks!!"
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